Composer  •  Lyricist  •  Musician  •  Performer

Special Music

For Special People, Places & Occasions

Few things in this world can evoke more emotion than music. That special song tied to a memorable time in your life, those poignant lyrics that speak straight to your heart, a few unforgettable notes that bring a smile to your face – that is what Ken Sparks creates and gives to his audiences.

Ken’s Newest Single is Now Available!

Virginia’s Oyster Trail is Ken Sparks’ whimsical musical tribute to the mighty bivalve that resides along Virginia’s oyster regions.


Find it on Apple Music and iTunes

Sparkling Talent

Ken Sparks Music

Enjoy Ken's Existing Recordings

Listen for your own pleasure or license for a special event or promotional campaign.

Commission an Original Composition

Ken’s specialty is creating lyrics and/or tunes for special people, places and events.

Book a Live Performance

Ken not only creates the music, but performs as well. He has entertained audiences for over 5 decades.

"Ken Sparks is Washington's own Bobby Short!"

Austin Kiplinger
Editor of the Kiplinger Newsletter